The waiting

Peace be upon you.

Waiting for the exam result to come out is really torturing. It was supposed to be released last Friday according to the schedule. However due to some unintended reasons, the result was halted and had to be postponed. I wondered why they need to torture us like this. Though I’m aware that it won’t change anything that I’ve done during the exam, I still want to know what the result would be. But then I started to realize not to linger about the things that can’t be undone. I believe what happen next would be the best for me. Though I might not know the reason, yet.  

Instead of thinking too much about the result, why not I go back to the basic. Is my life only about exam and all? Definitely not. If the waiting now is a torturing for me, I kept thinking what will happen on the Day where I had to wait so long in the sea of mankind? I know I’m lacking and I should prepare myself for it.

I remembered about a story of a farmer and horse that I read long time ago when I was in primary school. Well, it’s a well-known story and I had changed my insight about things that happen in daily life.  I goggled it since I can’t remember the details but I was pretty sure the story carries some sort of twisted meaning. Heh, it’s not twisted actually. It’s about being positive in everything that we did or what happen to us. 

So here’s the story,

        Among the people who lived close to the border, there was a man who led a righteous life. Without reason, his horse escaped, and fled into barbarian territory. Everyone pitied him, but the old man said : 

"What makes you think this is not a good thing?"

      Several months later, his horse returned, accompanied by a superb barbarian stallion. Everyone congratulated him. But the old man said: "what makes you think this is cannot be a bad thing?"
The family was richer from a good horse, his son enjoyed riding it. He fell and broke his hip. Everyone pitied him, but the old man said: 

"What makes you think this is not a good thing!"

         One year later, a large party of barbarians entered the border. All the valid men drew their bows and went to battle. From the people living around the border, nine out of ten died. But just because he was lame, the old man and his son were both spared.

But when I scrolled down my eyes spotted on the story about the King and the Hunter, here we go:


        An African king had a close friend who had the habit of remarking "this is good" about every occurrence in life no matter what it was. One day the king and his friend were out hunting. The king's friend loaded a gun and handed it to the king, but alas he loaded it wrong and when the king fired it, his thumb was blown off.
"This is good!" exclaimed his friend. The horrified and bleeding king was furious. "How can you say this is good? This is obviously horrible!" he shouted. The king put his friend in jail.

      About a year later the king went hunting by himself. Cannibals captured him and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up a stake and bound him to it. As they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole. They untied the king and sent him on his way. Full of remorse the king rushed to the prison to release his friend.

"You were right, it WAS good" the king said. 

       The king told his friend how the missing thumb saved his life and added, "I feel so sad that I locked you in jail.That was such a bad thing to do"

"NO! this is good!" responded his delighted friend.

"Oh, how could that be good my friend, I did a terrible thing to you while I owe you my life".

"It is good" said his friend, "because if I wasn't in jail I would have been hunting with you and they would have killed ME."

Phew! What a twist of luck.

I’m good at copy and paste- thingy right? Well...hahaha!

We have a lot of versions of the stories,but the most important things is not the details in the story but the lesson. Yep, the lesson. People may ask, was it true? It sound ridiculous isn’t it? I don’t have an answer for that but it’s good to reflect and think for a while about it. And you will realize that it’s awesome!

What you think bad for you, it doesn’t necessarily a bad thing. You really do not of what future would be like. Hurmmm...
“...but perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And God Knows, while you know not.” 
And really, everything happens, happens for a reason or reasons...

Trials will keep on coming but the one who will stand out is the one that full of perseverance. There are a lot of ups and downs in life we need to face. You might think success is a good thing, but sometimes, it’s not. A success is a flower of life. It's indeed also a form of trial. And it won’t last. 

 Till then, may this will be a beneficial one. 



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