Half-winged bird

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

- Fix You, by Coldpay

Peace be upon you. First of all, I would like to share this short video;

"Hope and fear is like a pair of wings, you need both to fly'' - Imam Maturidi

Well, half-winged bird can’t fly, isn’t it? And that’s the message the video trying to say. Personally, I think the video is really a good masterpiece by MatLutfi. It gives different vibes compared to his previous work that awesomely putting moral lessons in comedic way. But this time, he is turning 180 degrees to look at the other side. This entry is just my personal point of view and I hope it won’t offense anyone out there. I’m still new in my spiritual journey and tried to learn more. I realize that I’m not good enough as a person.

The 3 main leads in the short video were really bunch of conflicting characters. Take the guy who plays Ihsan, for example. His inferiority complex intrigued me how he actually coped with his problems. His coping mechanism is actually self - devastating. And for Refqy, he tend to blame others, but not trying to immerse in the problem that he really need to face, his roommate really got a problem but he used quite a rash way. Opposite to Refqy, is Mat Lutfi. He used sort of nicer way, but I don’t think it’s necessarily good as well. He did things in softer manner, giving Ihsan glimpse of hope but in the end, he can’t help much as well. Just, it bugs me - a question comes to my mind. Why don't they work it out together, instead of doing it alone? I guess, he just needs friends to listen to him and say, I can hear you.

Why? Refqy and Mat Lutfi is two extreme visualization of people’s view of handling situation. It doesn’t necessarily in religion thingy but in everything we do, extreme is not really good. Be moderate is what Islam taught me and I believe we could solve the problem by not stigmatize or judging people too easily. It’s also a reminder to me not to judge people, because I myself sometimes tend to judge people. Who we are to judge? Do you think you are far better than others? Hrmm….

I quite agree with MatLutfi’s way to write the wrong thing we’ve done in a piece of paper, but I think reflection shouldn’t be that way. It should come with the intention to slowly improving ourselves for the better, come out with solutions or find a way to guide you.No need to linger the past that can’t be undone, but fix it now. 

“There is nothing more urgent than now. If you give up on now because of laziness or a lack of courage, there is no hope of another opportunity.” – quotes from Answer Me 1997
 And definitely, here I stressed it again, God is All Forgiving and;

“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.”

May the light will guide us home. And we will able to fix ourselves for the better. Till then, take care everyone!


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